Comment faire un don sur Twitch est la question à laquelle nous répondrons dans cet article.
Twitch est une plate-forme de streaming en direct où les joueurs du monde entier diffusent en direct leurs jeux vidéo pour que les gens du monde entier puissent les voir.
📌 If you want to learn comment définir les dons sur Twitch il y a son post qui vous expliquera rapidement cela.
It is a great source of entertainment for people who like gaming in the whole world. Twitch allows people to connect and enjoy a good video game together. Also, this site is being used by celebrities who are into gaming to earn money by streaming their video games. There are some famous celebrity twitch users who end up making hundreds and thousands of dollars from their live streams. Learning how to donate on Twitch could be helpful to support those people.
If you are wondering how to make money from live streaming your video games on Twitch. Then let me tell you that this can happen through donations. Accepting donations from your viewers on twitch is the basic way to earn income. Donations help streamers to pursue twitch as a full-time job and entertain their viewers by making streaming their video games. They spend more time online and connect with their viewers.
Les téléspectateurs peuvent soumettre des dons pour leurs streamers en direct préférés sur twitch de deux manières.
Façons de faire un don sur Twitch

1. La première façon de soumettre un paiement sur Twitch est de Donneur. Vous pouvez facilement soumettre des dons via la boîte des donateurs en payant via votre carte de crédit, PayPal ou tout virement bancaire ACH. Donorbox est un logiciel de transfert de dons tiers utilisé par les utilisateurs de Twitch pour donner de l'argent aux streamers. Un bouton faire un don serait présent sur la chaîne Twitch du streamer sur lequel vous pourrez cliquer pour soumettre vos dons. Donneur est définitivement un moyen sécurisé d'envoyer et de recevoir des dons sur Twitch.
2. Another way to donate money to someone’s Twitch channel is through Embouts Twitch. Big streamers can easily make a lot of money from their Twitch channels; however, there are a lot of small streamers who struggle to support themselves financially which is why Twitch has introduced a way for these small streamers to receive money through donations. This feature is known as ‘cheering’ in the twitch world. ‘Bits’ is the twitch currency which viewers buy and spend in support of their favourite streamers on Twitch. Buying 100 bits on twitch cost you $1.40 through Amazon and PayPal.
You can also get bits by viewing ads on your favorite streamer’s live video streaming for 30 seconds. You can find out more on Comment faire un don de bits sur Twitch ici dans ce blog.